Restructured Circles #3

Catalog number: 2012-0001

Year completed: 2012

Description: This piece is distinct from other pieces in the Restructured Circles series because of it's dark background and simple composition. However, it represents an evolution in my thinking about gestural mark-making. The three restructured circles in this composition are created by stitching together just two pieces of fabric (leftover from another composition), but when I placed them together I remember thinking, "Oh yes, this is something." While there's not much to the construction, the complexity of the dye work and the strength of the marks gives the piece energy.

Size: 17.25 w X 28 h (inches)

Materials: Acrylic felt batting, Cotton broadcloth

Media: Fiber reactive dye

Techniques: Stitching (machine piecing), Stitching (machine quilting), Discharge (chlorine), Discharge (thiox)


  • 6/18/2012
    "ART LIBS," Harmony Hall Regional Center, Fort Washington, MD, June 18 - Aug 10

  • 1/28/2012