Supplies and teachers
These are all businesses, organizations, and individuals with whom I have had personal contact and about whom I feel completely confident in offering a recommendation. There are many other fine suppliers, schools, and teachers.
Dye, chemicals, and equipment
Pro Chemical & Dye (http://prochemical.com)
Dharma Trading Co. (http://dharmatrading.com)
Fabric & dyeable garments
Dharma Trading Co. (http://dharmatrading.com)
Red Rock Threads (http://redrockthreads.com) — online source for thread, especially Aurifil
Superior Threads (http://http://www.superiorthreads.com)
Thai Silks (http://thaisilks.com)
Testfabrics, Inc. (http://testfabrics.com)
Art & sewing supplies
Create For Less (http://www.createforless.com) — discount craft and sewing supplies
Dick Blick (http://dickblick.com) — art supplies, silk screen fabric & frames
Jerry’s Artarama (http://www.jerrysartarama.com) — fine art supplies at low prices
Pocono Mountain Screen Supply (http://poconoscreen.com) — well made silk screens
Nasco (http://www.enasco.com/artsandcrafts)–art and craft supplies
Wawak Sewing (http://www.wawak.com) — sewing and tailoring supplies, including Maxi-Lock Stretch thread, an affordable alternative to YLI Wooly Nylon
Technical tools
B&H (http://www.bhphotovideo.com) — photographic equipment
Google Apps for Business (http://google.com/apps) — website and email hosting
GoDaddy.com (http://godaddy.com) — domain name registration and more
Squarespace (http://squarespace.com) — web and ecommerce hosting
Study surface design
Pro Chemical & Dye (http://prochemical.com)
The Crow Timber Frame Barn (http://nancycrow.com)
Peter’s Valley Craft Center (http://www.petersvalley.org)
Jane Dunnewold (www.artclothstudios.com)
Ranya Gillman (http://www.studio78.net)
Kerr Grabowski (http://www.kerrgrabowski.com)
Carol Soderlund (http://carolsoderlund.com)
Professional organizations
Art Cloth Network (http://artclothnetwork.com)
Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) (http://saqa.com)
Surface Design Association (http://surfacedesign.org)